Why is he using the term “SteamOS kernel”?
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Why is he using the term “SteamOS kernel”?
All I see is “Ooooh look, we use AI!” which actually repels me quite a lot. The page leaves the impression that photoshop is a toy, not a tool.
I mean, tastes are different, but I really did not like the photshop page design.
This is exactly the problem they face. I use GIMP since ~15years. Any change they make will annoy me to a degree. But I also understand that getting into the UI is not that easy. They somehow have to manage these two completly opposing interests.
I work in public infrastructure, so at least I can comfort myself that I am trying to improve the lifes of everyone in my area. Still exhausting.
Lol to thinking that it was better. Capitalism was always terrible for normal people.
But many people just don’t have a lot of hobbies. Change is also scary for many people.
Yeah, I also have 5 hobbies and many more interests. I am only scared that I don’t have enough energy left in me once I retire.
Many things are possible with both products. But Kritas focus is on drawing/paiting and animation, meanwhile GIMPs focus is photo edititing.
Just try them out. I really love both.
Still a weird way to say this.