that sucks. shaun of the dead and hot fuzz are truly great films.
Deadline understands that Sony will keep the Stolen Picture brand and creative IP alive within its family of labels, but is liquidating the legal entity. No employees are impacted.
Sony took full control of Stolen Picture in 2022 after originally buying into the outfit in 2017. As part of the 2022 deal, Pegg and Frost resigned as directors and have since stepped away from day-to-day operations.
The brand “Stolen Picture” hasn’t put out a project since 2020 and it didn’t include either of those projects.
I’m not sure what they brought or what value it has.
It made Truth Seekers on Amazon which was rubbish, and Slaughterhouse Rulez which I saw and can’t remember at all.
I can only assume Sony bought it because it was cheap.
ah right. yeah I didnt know what the fuck i was talking about there
Sony took full control of Stolen Picture in 2022 after originally buying into the outfit in 2017. As part of the 2022 deal, Pegg and Frost resigned as directors and have since stepped away from day-to-day operations.
Lol, I guess they pulled an EA Games shuffle and bought out a studio, reassigned all the talent and assets, and then shut it down.
What content was this studio creating? I like peggs work, but I didn’t know he was so active lately.
He wasn’t, the studio was purchased in 2022 and Pegf and Frost were to step away from management as part of the deal.
Then the new owners shut the studio down 3 years later.
Sony likely did this as a way of obtaining talented workers and limiting potential competitors.
Sure but even before 2022 I can’t recall a lot of successful stuff.
Yeah the last film they made was Slaughterhouse Rulez which didn’t perform well, after that they made 2 television shows in 2020.