ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝

A geologist and archaeologist by training, a nerd by inclination - books, films, fossils, comics, rocks, games, folklore, and, generally, the rum and uncanny… Let’s have it!


  • Yrtree.me - it’s still early days for me in the Fediverse, so bear with me
  • 33 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • There’s a lot of reasons there:

    • Oscar winning directors get too much of a free hand on budget and runtime - Mikey 17 was really good but with that budget it was doomed to, at best, break even.
    • They get offered big projects they may be unsuited for - there was nothing about Nomadland that said Chloé Zhao was ready to direct a blockbuster Marvel movie and it just felt like a cynical exercise to get a bit of indie cred. I doubt she had much creative freedom on The Eternals and would be interested to hear her story about that project when enough time has passed.
    • They decide it is a good time to get that passion project greenlit and out when it stood a better chance of finding an audience - I’m a big GdT fan but his Nightmare Alley didn’t do much for me. I like all.of his films but would rank that somewhere towards the bottom.

    The ones who go against this trend have won for bigger budget films and then dial it back and make smaller, more personal films which can get done on a lower budget but will get extra eyeballs because of the Oscar win and so can turn a profit.

    That said, the “curse” may be no bad thing. I suspect Bong knew Mickey 17 wouldn’t cover the costs but felt like this was his chance to get an expensive film made on the studio’s dime. He may even have enjoyed the idea of an anticapitalist film getting a great reception but costing a big American studio money. He’ll not have any problem getting future projects funded because of this, they may just have a more modest budget.

  • That would be a daft thing to do as it seems so tied to WB but:

    it is worth noting that the original Looney Tunes animated shorts, which ran from 1930 through 1969

    A lot of these are public domain already because their copyright wasn’t renewed. For those under copyright the public domain wall is approaching:

    The earliest currently copyrighted Warner Bros. cartoon, “Ride Him, Bosko!”, is set to enter the public domain in 2028.

    So, while some later cartoons are PD, some first appearances of classic characters (albeit often in unnamed and prototype form) aren’t but the wall approaches:

    • Porky Pig - first appeared in “I Haven’t Got a Hat” (1935) - PD in 2031
    • Daffy Duck - first appeared in “Porky’s Duck Hunt” (1937) - PD in 2033
    • Elmer Fudd - first appeared in “Little Red Walking Hood” (1937) - PD in 2033
    • Bugs Bunny - first appeared in “Porky’s Hare Hunt” (1938) - PD in 2034

  • I suppose I should start with the horror movies that got an, often inferior, American remake:

    • The Wicker Man (1973)
    • Suspiria (1977)
    • Nightwatch (1994)
    • Funny Games (1997)
    • [•REC] (2007) - Quarantine
    • Martyrs (2008)
    • Låt den rätte komma in (2008) - Let The Right One In
    • Somos lo que hay (2010) - We Are What We Are
    • Ich seh, Ich seh (2014) - Goodnight Mommy/Mummy