Also, the quickest way to get new software versions, in most cases.
There were shadowy conspiracists lurking in the dark alleys of Washington, and hiding from the glaring sun in the High Desert of California, but they were laughably easy prey when the Martian lizard people, the subterranean Vril-empowered mole-men, and the globalist pedophile Commies did show up.
Also, the quickest way to get new software versions, in most cases.
Surely, if nobody is using the software, then there’s no incentive to keep making it.
Making a tool you or the company you work for need yourself, fun, learning, community, doing good, showing off, status, being remembered, (even if it’s just in a circle of 10 people)…
Marketing generates interest. Interest gets users. Users (hopefully) get donations and/or contributions to the project.
Irrelevant for the vast majority of open source projects, which will never be financially profitable.
why not be clear and avoid wasting people’s time as they try to figure out what exactly a project is about?
Maybe because the volunteers working on the project in their free time are programmers, not marketers or good communicators?
Also, they aren’t wasting anybody’s time by creating useful software and giving it away for free.
I realize I’m being confrontational towards you, but this mindset of demanding things from people who literally give away free stuff with no strings attached rubs me the wrong way, every single time. And this mindset is much too prevalent, even to the point of harassing, insulting and threatening open source devs for choices they make in their projects.
The devs owe you nothing. If you don’t like what they do, simply don’t use it.
There are other options out there, but they may come with a $23/month price tag.
Open Source software is not a product that needs marketing.
The devs making Gimp gain literally nothing from you downloading and using it.
Stop applying capitalist logic to one of the few aspects of life that haven’t been monetized yet.
They are the opposite of “set it and forget it”.
Probably the most maintenance-heavy distros out there.
They’re like Arch, if the Arch maintainers didn’t care about keeping the system working.
It’s supposed to be Richmark Shuttleman
lol, just checked. ~/Documents doesn’t even exist on my machine.
Just a heads-up: Synaptic doesn’t come preinstalled on Debian or Ubuntu anymore.
It’s 25 years old software, and tends to behave weirdly when you try to uninstall multiple packages.
If Neil Blomkamp makes it, you’ll lose that bet. He’s the perfect choice for a Starship Troopers remake.
But he’ll probably set it in South Africa.
I don’t think a Wayland compositor needs any more resources than a window manager plus X server.
Do you run Steam from Debian repos or Flatpak?
I wouldn’t call it stable. To me that implies I can run it for 5 years and don’t have to worry about compatibility changes.
But I never had it break on me.
Have you tried element?
You don’t need a desktop environment, but it takes away a lot of config work if you want a full featured desktop.
Arch is the most “just works” distro I ever tried.
Reducing the workload of the distro maintainers by keeping packages vanilla and close to upstream, not writing a shitload of distro-specific GUI tools, and off-loading all the weird stuff to a user repo, is genius.
That way, there’s more capacity to focus on getting it right.
Other distros have a lot more “features” (looking at you, OpenSUSE and Ubuntu) but Arch just gives you a high quality package of the newest stuff, and it’s amazing how solid it is nowadays.
This is mainly data reported from desktop PCs, so no, SteamOS is not a thing at the moment on such machines.
Everyone I know who retired is at least as busy as before.
The notion that without a job, people just sit around bored, is capitalist propaganda.
I prefer KDE >3
You don’t even need hardware for it. Barrier is a software solution.