Nope, I’m running ext4 on pretty much everything.
Nope, I’m running ext4 on pretty much everything.
Interesting, was there anything in particular that you did with the services other than editing the service to run as those particular users?
Side note, I just tried to chown the sabnzbd folder and everything inside updated but the main folder itself refuses to change. Even after stopping the service.
Edit: scratch that. I closed and re-opened Dolphin and checked the properties of the folder and now it’s showing correctly.
I’m still working on learning about containers but not quite there yet.
Default being, when each service is installed it creates an individual user/group (sonarr, radarr, sabnzbd) and the folder that is created in /var/lib/ for each service is set to those particular users/groups.
At this time, sonarr and radarr seem to be ok (I will need to double check after an update to them) but SABnzbd reverts the folder permissions every time I reboot and complains whenever I reboot since it can’t write to the db or log files because the permissions change. I have looked at the config but didn’t see anything outstanding that would indicate a reason it would be changing. Unless I am missing a different config file somewhere outside of that folder. There aren’t any settings from within the web interface pointing to that either, at least from what I could see.
Ok, yeah.
Fell asleep last night sorry.
I did the following for that. I just went and double checked it and it is set to what I want it to.
[Service] User=username Group=groupname
Ok, I’m not entirely sure what happened but it’s working now. Just restarted my computer and it didn’t revert.