However, that comes with some extra requirements, such as having 85% of the partners be from Spain, a limitation that Igalia did not want.
How does that comply with EU law? Is not most discrimination between citizens of different EU member states prohibited by it?
These settings don’t do what you want?
Have you looked into Matrix?
Agree with the main point, though disagree that FOSS is “boycotting capitalism”, many for-profit companies contribute to FOSS and FOSS can be used by for-profit companies too, much of today’s capitalism runs on FOSS.
The point of free software is that it does not have owners, so what exactly are you “boycotting”?
TIL that you can declare return types this way in C++.
auto main() -> int
What programming language is this even?!
A gnome obviously
Do we have “circlejerk” or “shitposting” communities here on Lemmy already?