I’m not sure how I feel about Gunn’s signature silliness for Superman. I guess if I really think about it, the Supermans I have known and loved have been Reeve, Cain, and Cavill. The first was relatively straightforward with moments of humor (just the first one, not the sequels). The second was, if memory serves, leaning into the camp but also more about the soap-opera-style relationship building. The third was pretty serious of course. But I feel like in all of them, Superman was played pretty straight, and maybe the side characters were allowed to lean into the camp or the melodramatics. If Gunn’s is too silly a la GOTG, I can see it falling flat.
Sorry no, you are right, the first one is very campy. It’s been a while so I may be misremembering a bit. But what I meant was that Superman himself plays it pretty straight. (I think?) Lex was ridiculous. Do any of Gunn’s characters play the straight man? I’m mostly familiar with GOTR, though I did see Suicide Squad once; I just don’t remember much of it. I feel like every GOTR character is pretty ridiculous except for maybe Gamora but even she has moments.