I really wish the Drafthouse would expand nation wide no commercials and disturbing people all it takes is putting up a card and they are gone. Plus $5 movie tickets.
I really wish the Drafthouse would expand nation wide no commercials and disturbing people all it takes is putting up a card and they are gone. Plus $5 movie tickets.
Yeah I have to check the Alamo app once a week to keep up what drives me nutts is they release all the originals in the same week to avoid the slop franchise movies. So it makes hard to see them in theater. Since the window for them being there is so short.
I go out of my way to watch as many original movies at the theater as i can so they make and release more. This is a great post to keep tabs on new ones to see. Thanks
Lol i see these over and over and the conclusion is always the same. They really are looking for Debian but they never mention it as an option.
Yeah I agree there are some diamonds in the rough i also feel some of the TV shows should be movies the extreme serialization and the cliffhanger endings are very annoying. Especially with the long lag times between seasons it trains people say forget it I will wait till they just release the whole series then binge. But that kills the ratings and then kills the show early and so it’s left on a cliffhanger so why bother watching it at all.
Severence is a good example. I know Apple will do a season 3 but we won’t see it till 2027. But not to spoil anything but if the series stopped on that scene in episode 10. I would have been so disappointed.
It also drives me nutts how series get to be 10 episodes now. Just because game of thrones did it becase it was adapted on a book it can work well in that medium. But a regular show where each season is broken down by the writers for that season really limits any character growth and makes all the series so plot heavy.
Which is fine when you want to tell a story that is plotted out but TV Execs want to keep a show going even after that story has been told. Shows just run out of steam since there is no characters to hang on to. You look at shows like the office usa or old school star trek they told all kinds of different stories in different genres with the same characters and it kept it fresh. One bad episode didn’t ruin the whole storyline they could just try again.
Yeah I’m the same im not saying people in their 40s are all watching the garbage they put out what I’m saying is hollywood thinks only people in their 40s are watching movies and TV and we only want shit from our childhoods I guess and thus driving even more people from that medium.
Yeah, why would they? Hollywood is only catering to people born in the 70s and 80s with remakes or geriatric sequels of 40 year old movies. Im right in that demographic and im sick of it. I can’t imagine how boring it would be for people that don’t have that nostalgia. Same goes for TV.
If you like debian and just need a newer kernel you could just add backports to your debian install then install the kernel during the install process.
Yep I forgot them good call out
Ghostbusters afterlife and frozen empire, every star trek show since enterprise, every star wars since return of the Jedi.
The best advice I can give you is to switch to Linux is don’t right away. Switch the applications you use to open source or Linux compatible alternatives that also run on windows. Then after you get used to those on windows then make the switch.
I would also recommend not dual booting at first since it’s too easy to jump ship at the slightest issue vs sticking with it to figure out the issue just like you would with a problem on windows. It’s a real thing I have experienced it in reverse as a long time Linux user that tried Windows 11 i kept jumping back to Linux every time I ran into issues that caused frustration.
At this point i don’t think any tech article is written by a human
The hollywood package is also great for this
I mean they call it out in the article that it’s free and open source. Hey it might get someone looking for freeware to get gimp instead.
I watched all three and they are all good films. Not blow your socks off but good. Problem is most people don’t know they exist and studios don’t keep them in the theater long enough for them to get buzz from word of mouth. The problem is the studios learn the wrong lessons and thing people don’t want originals back to the remake or sequel. Instead of retaining audiences that they can go to movies on Friday nights and expect to find a good mid range budget movie that they will have a good time at.
Does that mean we will get helldivers2: the movie: the game?
The best advice I can give you is to switch to Linux is don’t right away. Switch the applications you use to open source or Linux compatible alternatives that also run on windows. Then after you get used to those on windows then make the switch.
I would also recommend not dual booting at first since it’s too easy to jump ship at the slightest issue vs sticking with it to figure out the issue just like you would with a problem on windows. It’s a real thing I have experienced it in reverse as a long time Linux user that tried Windows 11 i kept jumping back to Linux every time I ran into issues that caused frustration.
Yeah what I never got was how did they find new perfect builds if you were not allowed to play the game freely to try new things. I mean I known the answer it was data mining but at that point is it a game or a job and you are just going through the motions. What ever happened to GG and you in something you lose some but we all had fun.
It’s never going away there is a lot of money to be made on both sides. If the movie flops the studio can point to the racists and see it was them that tanked our movie. They can also point to progressives and say if you don’t watch our Comercial product your not supporting the insert minority group.
The right wing content farms have something to make content about. The left wing content farms have content based on the right wing content. Regular people just wanted a original movie that was good.
Some people don’t want minority groups to have rights and some people do and most people don’t care about anything that’s not directly in front of them.