Having the same issue on Intel + AMD GPU.
Arch Linux with newest KDE.
Having the same issue on Intel + AMD GPU.
Arch Linux with newest KDE.
Why not Slackware?
I like the crazyness. Idk why people downvote you
Had bronchitis as a child nearly every few weeks for years. All gone but sucks to have it.
Get well soon.
I still feel like, the point where you say more people can use it and will use it, can create a dark pattern.
Imagine you create something and make people depending on it. Another cooperation copies it and advances it with a lot of money. Somehow, the ecosystem is so changed, that when you depend on that project, you need to use the newer version of the cooperation and soon they will paywall it heavily.
Then, your wish for people using the code as much as possible got nuked.
I assume that many scenarios will allow the usage of your old MIT project without relying on the new version of someone. But rare cases exist, where this happens. Its like predicting the 30th step in chess or smth. (Idk chess that well)
Its… unlikely that it will happen, but yeah. I can understand your perspective, but slowly going to AGPL sounds right.
A glitch in the matrix.
Ok idk. Your message felt like it wants to explain why we shouldnt use GPL/lgpl
In my Company, we do use such code. But its mainly because we distribute our own Propriatary Linux OS.
We sometimes need to change such code, so we just put it on Github as a fork.
Sorry, but I or rather many hate your Opinion.
Its ok if you dislike my Opinion about that. But I will show you, that many dislike your Opinion with a little fun and humour.
I believe that this has nothing to do with growing up, but I think thats your opinion you can attempt to follow.
I hate, when programs like Firefox or anything else uses something like Nautilus to pick the file.
I can’t even press ctrl+L to change the URL of my filesystem where I want to be. I need a lot of clicky GUI to get to the desination…
People say Qt sucks. But there is literally no better alternative to the KDE environment. Either Dolphin or tons of other apps just have more features and settings compared to GTK ones.
Unsure if they have the same issue
Thats the point of GPl licenses. You cant close source it.
MIT is a free and also heavy closed source friendly. GPL fixes the greed
Squeek, squack. Your opinion is whack
I wohld agree, because you really downplay the scenario.
As soon as you accidentallt create something, which everyone starts to use or has an use case, then some Cooperation will copy that thing, make it better and make your community dissappear because there is the newer tool which you cant change the code of anymore and need to use a monthly subscription or something to even use.
So, it somehow seems like you’re gaslighting yourself by downplaying the use case.
Mostly it will be small buisnesses and hobbyists, which I would like to code for them too. Especially when they are nice and friendly. But as soon as Microsoft, Google, Meta, Amazon gets hands on it and sees a potential to squeeze money through it by destroying it, then they will surely do it.
Im more concerned about the stupid license
Oh thanks for explaining. Now I understand more about this chaotic world.
But I would assume that a normal non-techsavy user would not even touch that route
Having your own Domain with Email is the hardest thing you can do.
Literally all Email Services will literally block you except you somehow manage a good Domain. No, I am not talking about the Spam folder. They will not even let that Email in.
Why socialism? Has nothing to do with it
I see that besides a low dictatorship in China, there is actually their own sozialism with Chinese Characteristics.
Flipping over on the Moon could be hard. You coud accidentally jump pretty far.
May I remind you that most Windows users will never read an Article and just enter some social media to consume the entire day?
This is just another Person creating another form of Media of the news. Maybe it will confince people to change their lifes and thinking. Maybe they will start reading articles, etc. etc.
I have it too now with KDE. Seems like something new