I don’t hate it, I know that it adds a lot of security to a system, it’s just that it’s not user friendly and it can sometimes leave you scratching your head wondering what the hell happened.
A peace loving silly coffee-fueled humanoid carbon-based lifeform that likes #cinema #photography #linux #zxspectrum #retrogaming
I don’t hate it, I know that it adds a lot of security to a system, it’s just that it’s not user friendly and it can sometimes leave you scratching your head wondering what the hell happened.
That’s pretty much it.
So you’re implying we can expect Half-Life 3 for Christmas?
I’ve used Gimp for as long as I can remember, it’s one of those tools I always have installed in my workstation. It’s quirky, but I love it anyway.
Glad to see 3.0 released. Valve, are you paying attention? Those is how it’s done.
A lot of man-hours went into engineering it. Very smart people from many distros went over it, kicked its tires and deemed it good enough to replace old SysV. We’ve been through this, if you don’t like it for some reason, use something else.
It’s just software, people, it’s not a frelling religion.
I’m old enough to have clustered some 16 desktop PCs using openMOSIX a long time ago, before the era of multiple cores and threads.
The whole cluster would function like a single Linux system, automatically spreading the work between nodes.
I used it to run SETI@Home for a bit of fun.
It was a neat idea, but never went mainstream. Soon single PCs were powerful enough to run virtual machines and be partitioned instead of clustered.