Been full on Linux since Slackware 1.0, kernel 0.99pl13. Brought Linux into Boeing, and even to the z/Series (s390) mainframe. Ported all their tightly woven NFS with NIS user environments written for ksh on HP-UX, AIX, and Solaris to working with Linux and it’s (at the time) not so perfect automounter. Ported a large LISP application from HP-UX to Linux for them, as well.
Today I’m a full time SRE, deploying and managing HA Linux clusters, large cloud infrastructure, and Kubernetes, leveraging IaC for nearly all of it. I use to make packages and kernels for a smaller distro back in the late 2000’s. Ran two ISP’s entirely on Linux and an internet cafe with Linux servers when Wyse terminals and ISDN was a thing, with a couple Windows 3.1 then 95 clients on the network. I program currently in Python, C, C++, Rust, and Go. I’ve forgotten more Fortran, LISP, Cobol, and Perl than I can ever get back, not that I would want to. I’ve made Linux my personal hobby and my career for 30 years. There is nothing casual about my relationship with Linux.
We get it, your a filthy … nevermind, shouldn’t say that here.
Because in even ‘permissive’ mode, it blocks some fairly routine things.