I mean, he’s joking, but:
AMD Drivers: yeah, this one’s not a thing
Chrome: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/EWW.html
Gmail: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CategoryMail
Office 360: https://orgmode.org/
I-Tunes: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/itunes.el (although this one probably doesn’t work)
JBL: I have no idea what it is
Muse score: https://github.com/piercegwang/staff-mode
Anti-virus: I don’t know of any, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone listed a plugin for checking files
PyCharm: This is the one he said to use Vim
Remote desktop: Emacs can natively open remote files or directories
Star citizen: obviously not
Steam: Obviously not, because it’s proprietary, I really wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a GOG plugin
VPN: https://github.com/anticomputer/ovpn-mode
There’s some truth to the joke that emacs is a very complete Operating system.
For backups I don’t think full disk backups are ever needed or useful. Because if the system is running there’s always a chance of corruption. Besides 90% of what’s on your system is recoverable, so you should automate that part and backup what is not recoverable, i.e. personal documents. I use Borg, check out Pika or Vorta for some GUIs for it, and I use Borgbase for my remote, but you can also backup to some folder.
For the other two you need windows. Even if you managed to get vscode to compile and tested with wine, that’s not a guarantee that it will work on Windows. Same thing for excel, even if libre office had those features it’s not guaranteed that stuff that works there would work on excel.
If you need windows for work you need to find a way to have windows available, trying to circumvent this would be a source of pain.