Yeah :) Self-host it and share with family/friends ! 👍 I can’t stand anymore seeing my family members install some sketchy apps present in the official store or clicking the first ad/spy/ai/ bloated site gathering all their personal information…😮💨
Yeah :) Self-host it and share with family/friends ! 👍 I can’t stand anymore seeing my family members install some sketchy apps present in the official store or clicking the first ad/spy/ai/ bloated site gathering all their personal information…😮💨
I’m not expert in sed or awk. I always have to Google. For me though, it’s generally that you can do a great deal in just one line of awk or sed.
Same here ! I recently used a one liner awk piped into sed, piped into another command to find duplicated lines and merge both files.
Writing a python script would have taken an unknown amount of time !
Don’t know either, other than they can’t stand the thruth for a good reason? :/ We have been using iptables for years and now we have to relearn everything?
Debian as a server is fine and probably the best ! However as a daily drive OS I don’t think it’s the best choice.
I have always seen Debian as server distro and that’s probably what they meant ?
I have debian as my server distro since the beginning of my Linux journey (NEVER failed me !) However I can’t see how Debian as daily drive is a good idea. Sure they try to catch up with testing repo for those who wan’t a more up to date distro, but it’s seems harder to keep up when something breaks along the way.
That’s where Arch and derivatives shine, if something goes wrong it’s fixed in a few days.
I think what happens to me is that I completely lack discipline about structure and will often decide to re-organize things.
Haha ! Same boat here !
One slightly more stable system I’ve had for my own code is to use the Issues tracker as a sort of documentation storage system.
That’s a very nice tip, thank you ! That’s something I will explore.
Thanks for sharing. :) I hope you don’t mind me saying this but it’s nice to see commits like “Just a commit test”. I also have these as part of learning git.
Yeah that’s a bit embarrassing 🫠 ! Was playing around with some script to convert Obsidian markdown links to GitHub flavored markdown. Because a comment is necessary to push the commit I have always no idea what to put in there xDD.
Sorry I couldn’t help you out more and hope you will find a workflow that works for you ! 👍
This is exactly why proprietary stuff sucks !
But I’m glad you’re holding to that old iPod without throwing it away ! 👍
Is there any specific reason to keep the docs in the wiki section? Vs markdown documents right in the wiki itself?
I don’t know sorry :/ I do use a document but only because I want more control over the TOC (Table of content), which is a bit strange in the wiki itself, but that’s just personal taste !
I’m not a Dev so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but what I would do is add a comment in the code to specify the change and link to your documentation file for more details (if needed). That’s probably one of the advantage of having your documentation not in the wiki page.
This would keep your code page clean while having proper documtation in the same repo ! However, I have never seen any project doing it like that (for a good reason probably?).
Here is my codeberg documentation repo about anime encoding in av1. It’s probably not what you’re looking for but maybe this can give you any idea or see if this could fit your workflow?
I will have forgotten a lot; it might be a different system environment. I need to be able to re-learn everything at a later time. Simple solutions that are widely-compatible, and do not rely on my memory are preferred.
I don’t know if you have already considered it, but you can use a git repository as documentation tool ! It’s a GitHub flavored markdown syntax though.
Fork the project, upload it to your own git repo (self-hosted codeberg, codeberg, github… Pick your poison :p) and add your own wiki documentation about your changes in the code.
The only thing you should keep an eye on is probably the license? But I’m not the right person to discuss about licensing :/
While I do agree with the general sentiment to rewire your expectation when switching from Windows -> Linux, I do not agree with the following statement:
Linux is NOT for you, your personality precludes you from using it.
Linux is for everyone… Though I do also agree if you’re doing something wrong (and you will…) Don’t cry or reflect your frustration on your OS. If there are 1000 ways to break Windows, there are a million times more ways to break your GNU/Linux OS. But most of the time, you’re a doing something wrong. However, sometimes an upstream update can Bork your system… (Yeah this happens 🤷♂️).
The best kind of case !
Is that even possible? I’m already in panic when I remove a package and it’s dependencies with pacman 😅.
Sure I did replaced Thunar with Nemo, but a few things don’t work exactly how it should, like opening the download directory from Firefox (Known issue BTW) even though all mime-types are correctly set !
Even switching from Alternative -> Base distro seems like a really difficult task :/
Yeah I learned that the hardway when comparing MacOS/linux USB speed…
Took like “seconds” on Linux. I looked quite dumb asking a question and asking for help on Lemmy while shitting (again) on my Mac !
I have somewhere in my notes a command to show interactively how the memory cache gets dumped into my USB stick.
Kinda boggus that’s an over 20 years old known “issue”.
Tmux has probably some specific features Kitty won’t do as good as a native multiplexer? (sorry I’m not the right person to ask this question :s) but It has the features I’m looking for without the need to install one.
It was quite cumbersome to configure a terminal + a multiplexer on MacOS to behave how I liked it. Kitty solved this issue while being fast, simple and a lot of customization in one single app.
One feature that was really important, copy/past over SSH with Micro which involved quite a hacky thing with iTerm2 + Tmux.Also being able to split my windows, create tabs…
But as I said I have only basic use cases and can’t really say If Kitty’s multiplexing features are on par with Tmux. However, during my web search I read about a lot of people far more knowledge than myself who actually switch to kitty from Tmux without regrets !
Yeah Alacritty was my second pick, but after reading their documentation it seemed more for people accustomed to Vi and the like.
So yeah that’s not something I’m willing to spare some time right now, anyway I’m mostly doing some “sys admin” stuff in my homelab, so simple text editing in a simple terminal is a better fit in my workflow/learning process !
Kitty is probably the best terminal emulator I’ve ever tried out… It even made me drop Tmux as multiplexer on my stupid Mac !
I only have basic use case right now, nothing complex but customization seems way above others.
The full OSC52 integration with micro for copy/past over SSH and taking up the terminal clipboard was also a game changer (nearly dropped micro because of this…)
I only scratched the surface and have only basic usage and still I can’t believe one single person is behind this project (I think?).
This really looks great, I got a question though. As I understand it, it works based on your bash_history which can be very small or autodeleted after each poweroff for privacy & security reasons.
So it doesn’t work in that case. However, creating a file containing a list or array? Of commands could that be a possible way to implemented a similar behavior?
I’m asking because I’m not very proficient in any programming language but have done some small bash scripts here and there and quite interested in this functionality !
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There are some functions that do not work in the Office365 web Excel ! So that’s also not a solution if they need it for work ://.