You get my standard reply that I use zorin which is an ubuntu based distro that tries to give the look of feel of windows and has a lot of default installed things like wine/playonlinux, libreoffice, app for disc burning, rdp client, basically most everything I would want for day to day use. It is not necessarily the best gaming distro and its certainly not bleeding edge. Its a great install and get to doing things right away distro to me which is what I want.
Ugh. I have the unfortunate situation that my favorite superheroes are doctor strange for marvel and green lantern for dc. I had sorta forgotten I had picked up multiverse of madness to watch. I was sorta meh on the first movie and was hoping the second would redeem it. To make matters worse I was sick of meh media in general and had finally decided to rewatch the firefly series. Firefly and lord of the rings are basically my two favorite things. I was putting off rewatching as long as I could. I had watched the broadcast and then rewatched when I bought the dvd (seeing the unaired episodes for the first time). I then did not watch till I broke down recently. Anway it was just after I noticed I had gotten multiverse of madness and was like. Oh boy I should watch that. It was so not better than the meh first. I had not watched a marvel movie since avengers endgame outside of deadpool and guardians of the galaxy. Sooooooo disappointing. (sorry the firefly thing was me trying to explain how watching something I liked a lot did not help with a movie I did not like at all. May have made it worse. I keep wondering that if maybe I watched something garbagey enough before hand that it would have seemed alright by comparison)