Eehhhh… OP didn’t give any details. Maybe they want an IDE, maybe they think that pyCharm is needed in order to use Python.
I have no idea which they meant, but people make assumptions.
Eehhhh… OP didn’t give any details. Maybe they want an IDE, maybe they think that pyCharm is needed in order to use Python.
I have no idea which they meant, but people make assumptions.
That wasn’t a criticism, I’m not saying you didn’t read what they wrote.
“Remote Desktop” (and Microsoft’s RDP Remote Desktop Protocol) is a common term, regardless of what the actual destination device is.
OP was not clear what they mean, so we just guess and ask.
They didn’t say, we can only read what they wrote and ask if unsure.
80% sure it’s Google Sheets. If not it’s very very close.
I’m familiar with the speaker brand, but OP is not clear what they mean. Is there software or do they just want to make sure their BT speaker works with Linux? Or are they using some other abbreviation and we are way off base.
I can guess but better to ask.
I would say pop is is not the right choice right now, until they release the version with Cosmic. It is very outdated because of that.
It is somewhat related, I’m sure installing pyCharm on windows also provides Python. But yeah, not everyone wants to use a plain text editor.
iTunes: Quod Libet
pyCharm: native
Windows games: Proton
pam_faildelay almost does it, but it only delays on auth failure. You would want something that delays on success. Might be almost as simple as “if not” on a check on pam_faildelay.
I can’t find anything that quite fits your requirements.
Putting a NOPASSWD option on your sudo config should cover the removal of the password requirement, but this may be ill -advised; it is probably wiser to increase the timestamp_timeout duration.
The intentional delay is tougher, and for that it looks like you’d need to write a PAM module. pam_faildelay is very close to what you need, you’d just need to make it produce a delay on success as well as failure.
This is not entirely accurate; there are plenty of times when sudo does not require a password even in the default config. And there’s the nopasswd option built-in already which would already do that portion of this request.
It sounds like the OP wants to use sudo as a Molly-guard. There’s nothing wrong with that, although it may not be the right tool for the job.
I prefer Quod Libet but I have fond memories of rhythmbox.
whipper is my goto for that.
“Without further due”…
… yeah …
NixOS is not special there. It runs the same software as any other Linux distro.
Sure. And this is why we have measles outbreaks still today.
Not talking about viruses despite the vaccine comparison.
Software has vulnerabilities, even on NixOS.
It’s not just your decision though. Like vaccinations, your decision affects everyone else so it’s not your decision alone.
I’d hold off on Pop! OS for the moment, until they have Cosmic into an updated release.
I say this as a relatively happy user of Pop