Definitely Not GustavoM. :^)

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Nice cherry picking/moving the goalpost, but that is not how refuting works. A PC at NASA has a much higher “threat level” than my Orange pi zero 3, just chilling on the background. Which means, a potential “security hole” may prove harmful for these pcs… but it’ll definitely not hurt me in the slightest.

    And before you parrot with other links and/or excuses… yes, I’m not negating their existence. I’m just saying they are there… but, well… “who cares”? If anything, its much faster to set up my distro back up “just like never happened before” than performing any “maintenance” whatsoever. Again, “Common sense antivirus” reigns supreme here – know what you are doing, and none of these things will matter.

  • I was about to say that you should learn the “ins and outs” of Linux first before choosing a distro until I’ve noticed these part(s) of your post.

    I’ve been toying with Linux on and off for almost 20 years now.

    I’m comfortable in the command line

    20 years is more than enough time for a user to use Linux properly. And with that in mind, well… you are overthinking it – just go with whatever you want, really.

  • Truth be told, most folks aren’t interested in having a conversation with strangers on the internet – but “use” em as a scapegoat for their personal/irl issues. With that said, the logic behind “downvote-happy” users is simply, “Have this downvote because I’m feeling like shiz and I must downvote you so I can feel a false sense of superiority/intelligence over you and feel less like shiz.”.