I’d probably go with Mint XFCE or those listed, or you can search for distros that target older hardware. I’ll get back to yo on that.
Edit: so, @thatonecoder@lemmy.ca, my main search was focusing on minimal distros for old hardware (less that 1 GiB of RAM that support x86
(i.e. 32 bit)), these may fit the bill: Tiny Core, Puppy, Porteus, Absolute, antiX, Q4OS, Slax, Sparky, MX, Bohdi, Zorin Lite, Xubuntu, Archbang, Slitaz, DSL.
From here on we’re on “may need ≥ 1 GiB” territory: Lubuntu, Lite, MATE, Peppermint, LXLE, LMDE, bunsenlabs, Crunchbang++, EasyOS.
Again, my focus was on low RAM usage and preferably supporting x86
. Most distros aren’t Wayland-ready yet, bare that in mind.
As most said, Mint with XFCE is a good start and most distros offer a “live” version you can boot to try without installing.
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