So I want to type in my native language, and the easiest tool i know of is this:
It’s not available offline for Linux though. I have tried running some windows executable from under wine, this didn’t work. I also tried some random alternative (Varnam), but it was way too complex of a setup for me. (It kept telling me to compile libraries, and none of it worked in the end)
I want something that can take in english character input and turn it into proper devnagari typeface. If I type in “namaste”, it has to come out as नमस्ते. And It has to be Offline.
I haven’t found anything that fits to all these categories
Turns out Google Input is my best bet. Is there a way I can get it working?
I did a little digging and it seems like Google had an API for transliteration that they have deprecated.
I was able to find this repo where someone attempted to create a client:
I have not tested this yet but will probably do some more exploring when I get time.
Have you tried ?
I have not, but I think it does what you’re looking for.
The demo video emphasizes its use as an emoji picker but it was originally created for typing Indic languages.
Are you asking for Sanskrit? Why not fcitx5.
Not as good as Google’s thing, it’s a pain to use. “namaste” (नमस्ते) comes out as “naa-maa-saw-tae”(नामासते), and that’s the least inaccurate example
What is the typing experience that you want, and for which language(s). It’s not clear to me, sorry.
It is possible to map keyboard input in various ways. For more complex use-cases, many programs support character substitution as you type (eg. gx could become ĝ automatically).
I don’t just want character substitution.
It’s for an Indic language. I want it to be so when I type in “namaste”, it types it out correctly as: नमस्ते I want it to be offline.
(afaik this is readily available on android devices using google’s input software)